Septembers' Babes Who Love Books!
Posted on 19 August 2019
BABES WHO LOVE BOOKS next read is "Station Eleven" by Emily St. John Mandel.
Here's the scoop:
Who: Host Elisabeth Lang is the newest member of the Damzels team and she is excited to be hosting our bookclub in September. She is a life long resident of Roncesvalles and a life long reader. To quote her favourite T-shirt,"Readers Are Novel Lovers"!
What: A book club unlike (but not wholly different then) any book club you've ever been to. A light, fun opportunity to discuss an awesome (or awful) literary work with some incredible ladies who love to read too.
When: Thursday Sept 12 ,2019. Social starts at 7:30 sharp until 8:30. Store will be open until start of social.Where: Doll Factory by Damzels WEST side location.
Why: We're opening our doors because hey, we love books too and we're looking forward to sharing some good stories with you. It's our way of thanking you for being some of the smartest, funnest ladies around!
Can't make it to Roncesvalles? That's ok! We'll be hosting another book social in a few weeks at our Leslieville store.
Thanks to all the brilliant babes who made it out to our last social! READ all about it!
Books! They're not just for bedtime anymore.
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